
Welcome to our school

We are a small, rural, primary school, just off the A617, with approximately 90 pupils plus a nursery.
Our aim is to give our children as many worthwhile experiences as possible while at primary school – not just academic, but also sporting and creative – in order to enrich their education, extend their personal development and reach their full potential, not just academically but creatively and personally too.

We have worked closely with other schools to develop our broad and balanced curriculum, share school policies and procedures and seek opportunities for our pupils to share experiences and events together, including a formal collaboration from 2018-2021.

Our staff also work closely together with others from the Minster Family of Schools and Minster Teaching Alliance to plan sequences of work, moderate attainment standards across the schools, and support each other through leadership and school development opportunities.

Our school provides a rich and varied curriculum which takes account of individual needs as well as developing the whole child. Much of what we can offer is bespoke, with pastoral support and targeted provision for individuals a feature of the school.

The school has its own head teacher, assistant head & SENDCo and individual subject leaders. We have strong links with our locality and have quick access to the local countryside for environmental work. We have developed an exciting curriculum with additional emphasis on personal development and environmental awareness, including outdoor learning opportunities and forest school.

To see the school, please contact the office manager for a suitable time. Visits or an informal conversation are always welcome from interested parents without any obligation.

End of Year Governors’ Letter

Remote Education Information

Please find below information regarding our Remote Learning. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Animals at Kirklington

We have animals on site. Find out more here.

Paper copies

Parents may request paper copies of any information on this site by emailing the office. The school may take up to 20 working days to respond, counting the first working day after the request is received as the first day. There may be a charge.